Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Now I know why we moved to Kansas City"

I heard this in the car yesterday. The person who said it was 12, and I think we all kind of came to that realization as well...

We just came back from an exploratory trip here. We get a special dispensation of Grace and will be allowed to join this group of wild, fun, organic, build this boat at sea group of marvelous comrades. All I can say is I knew it would be neat, I had no clue it would be so powerful.

At one point, I was in Judahs class, sitting in and trying to get a picture of what we need to do to get caught up to jump in the second semester. Immediately, the 2 other young s at the table began warming up to Judah. Now, Judah is wild, she is outgoing, and she is exuberant. But most people dont realize she is also a little shy! It is quite cute, but a little surprising if you didn't know it. These s, Sara and Jessica, without asking or being prompted, offer their bibles, their money, their supplies etc... to Judah to use. Judah sat there almost catatonic! I was almost crying. These were absolutely the warmest children I have ever met. Within an hour, Judah had memorized the bible verse, and was coloring, and I had to tell her to be quite 3 times. PERFECT.

During this process. Danie was with Israel. I send a text message (a no no except Im a new) with the word "Status?" in it. I get back "All these s are flocking around Israel talking to her" or something like that. The next one is "Im so happy I could cry". After about the forst hour, I go over there to see.

I walk into a large room, with this lady at the helm. There are 40-50 kids, and they are going around the room sharing what God is doing in their heart. It is obvious that the right people are in the right places organizing this. After a while, Danie goes over to Judahs class, and I stay with Beba. We listen to all these kids wrestle with being teens, wanting God, living in a hyper charged atmosphere like IHOP, some of whom have either grown up on, or been involved in missions work etc... and you realize "Im in SCHOOL".

We end by praying and asking God to come and do something like HE did in Acts, and finish by praying for a young who needs a creative miracle. It was similar to a mosh pit by the end, the whole mess of them rocking and swaying and yelling in tongues, against the devil, at God in petition, at her body,

On the way put, we have a few interesting conversations, I meet a young man I have been watching for weeks who God has got PLANS for, stumble to the car, and drive off.

And on the way to lunch, my kids said it all... "Now I know why we moved to Kansas City"

I guess I do too.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME! I want to come too!!! :)

P said...

Its really easy, you just pack this big truck at your house, and then drive here. The truck comes, and you unload it, and then it all just happens.

Kind of weird....

Open enrollment starting next August.