Thursday, November 22, 2007

In relation to a prior post Pt II

Mr Bohlender posted a fair warning for his street and anyone West of Holmes and North of Red Bridge.

We fry today. We fry in one of the only devices in common household use without a UL approval.

My first attempt to get the turkey ready on Monday freaked me out, and I had to go buy some more yesterday. I was afraid my frozen turkey thawed to more than 40 degrees F, without my realizing it. The main problem with this is that certain bacteria begin to grow between 40-140F, and I dont intend to overcook my bird. However, what freaked me out worse was the finding that certain bacteria product heat resistant toxins that wont go away no matter how hard you cook it.

It is too much risk. I literally work up at 4:10 am Wednesday, and tested the temp. It was 41 degrees. That is probably ok, but I have no idea how warm it got before I added ice etc...

So we bought 2 10 pounders, with the intention of bringing one, and leaving one standard and trying them. As I was under the gun, I quick thawed them both CORRECTLY (cold water), and tossed them in my 5 gallon drink cooler. They read 38 degrees ambient brine temp, and the underside of the bird was 30 degrees. Possibly still frozen a little, however the unique properties of salt lowering the freezing temp of water might mean it is thawed, just REAL cold.

I was going to cook the first bird anyhow (it is still in the backyard covered in ice) and test it to see if the voice in myhead was divine or not. I honestly felt like I was warned. As I pondered testing it on myself to see if I was right, I heard another voices say "Youre going to be sorry"

Oh well. I was so stupd I didnt throw it away on trash day (wednesday!) So now I get a week of stinky turkey carcass. I hope it stays real cold this week.

Will post pics and description for anyone interested, and my new Daniel Academy students.

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