Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Danie

My Wife turned 25 yesterday (well actually 24, it all depends on who you ask). In the haze of some recent events, and the fact that Im just not very organized or aware I simply came upon the day.

It isnt that Danielle isnt important, it is more my mindset than anything else. I dont like birthdays particularly, and could care less about mine. I dont care about getting older, I just simply look at a birthday and think "neat" and move on. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like that, and once again.... my narcissism catches up with me.

And how many things am I going to be able to say about Danielle that havent been said yet? Anyone who either knows her or reads my blog is going to say the same things. We ALL love her. We all admire her. And I think she is the cutest pregnant lady on the planet.

It has been a sad time the last couple of days/week with her father passing away. The grief is really now just beginning to surface. It is a bizzare time, there is a baby growing in there. It is a stressful time, as working for a disorganization takes its toll on an administrator. It has been a sick time, and just yesterday was the first day out of bed (for some of us anyway).

And all through this, my lovely wife is just so lovely. She is all that she is, all the time. I wish there was ways that could give you the emotional understanding of what it is like to be with someone of this stature (even at 5' 3"). To say something like "She completes me" is a lie. She makes up a good 85% of the real stuff in our marriage and family. The rest is either fluff or personality on my part.

I wish I had been more conscientious Danielle. And to be totally honest, it isnt like I didnt have a few nudges from lots of sources. Im so sorry (yet again). But I do love you, just not well enough yet.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Thanks Babe. You're my favorite.