Often, function follows form. But that is wrong. God’s design requires function to be primary. The purpose of something is far more critical than the WAY something is carried out, excepting the characteristics of the form (i.e. Love)
God created man… why? To give Himself something. In fact I believe it was to make something He could give His Love and affection to. Literally the object of His affection. He wanted to share Himself in many ways and forms.
Therefore when Man was created, the form in which he was created was important as to the Function, not vice versa. God did not create a bunch of forms, and then find a function for them. We see time and time again that God has tremendous plans and intentions that make the apparent capriciousness of our experience a silly conclusion.
Mankind’s form was created exactly, fearfully, wonderfully to fulfill its function.
The Church is the same way. The Church exists for the Kingdom, and the Will of the King. Its Function is predetermined. But in common practice, the form of the church takes preeminence, and perpetuates itself often at the expense of the function.
What is the purpose of the Church? I believe it is clearly stated in Ephesians, and that is to demonstrate to the principalities and powers the work completed in Christ. But how?
So much attention is spent on how the church gathers, but in reality, the Church exists whether it gathers or not. The church depends on God for it’s function, and exists at the Will and Whim of God. The church gathered isn’t more the church than when it is not gathered. The function of the church, regardless of form, remains constant.
The form of the church is even less detailed. In fact, for the most part, the New Testament only describes attributes of behavior, and examples of how people gathered, but very little is stated about how one SHOULD gather. It simply says to gather, and when gathered, the chief characteristic should be evident as it should in an individual…. LOVE.
Everything fruitful comes from Love. Without it, nothing is fruitful But the Bible does not mention that you should gather in a particular way, doing specific things, and following a form (or format). Paul primarily addresses this in corporate settings, and most of his attention is centered on individual behavior, not style of form.
Why is this so important? Because Form is the only part we can control, and it is the main point we all fight and disagree about. It is the root cause of dissention and division, and has rendered the Body far more impotent than we think.
Every time I have a conversation about form (“Who are you submitted to? Who is your covering? Women cannot be teachers. What do you mean “God told you? We need more “worship”! We need more prayer!” etc…) in the place of function, it twists scripture, muddles the simplicity of the message of Christ, degrades the headship and unique position of Christ, and sets the focus on our convictions, rather than our purpose.
My purpose is ordained by God, and the form it takes must be subservient to the function. I should constantly be examining the form of what I do, let alone the characteristics, so that I make sure the function is still being carried out. Most people don’t even feel sure about their function, and therefore continue to behave more like small minded, petty, squabbling ushers in a movie theater with a flashlight than a Prince or a Princess of the Almighty King.
Once you KNOW your function, you will be secure enough to let the form follow the function. In fact, the form will become irrelevant as long as the function is accomplished.
At the risk (intentionally) of being offensive, stop it! All of us! Stop condescending to endless and vain debates with insecure people, about ridiculous topics, than simply keep you from fulfilling your simple and sure calling! Namely, to Know God more deeply. to experience and grow in HIm, and express this to everyone, especially invisible rulers and powers that look at you in shock and fear! Stop living beneath your high and glorious calling.
And I dont mean be "in full time ministry" If you dont realize you already are, then stop, go back to the basics, and ask God to show you this simple truth. You exisit at the Will and Whim of Lord Jesus. His thrill is to save you, deliver you, enjoy you, and then let you loose to do the same with any and everyone you meet, in the special unique way you were made.
So stop competing with your odd vision of being something or someone else. Stop debating about how you gather, and start being who and what you are. Examine the characteristics of HOW YOU BEHAVE, and what your MOTIVES are, instead of how long some well meaning man talked about a bible verse, or a guitar player played, or sister Sallys kids behaved.
I will now stop my rant and step down from my soap box.
1 comment:
Frank Viola's new book, "Reimagining Church," discusses the covering/shepherding/discipleship teaching in great detail. It's the sequel to "Pagan Christianity" which was authored by George Barna and Frank. Endorsements by Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Alan Hirsch, Tony Dale, Felicity Dale, Jon Zens, John White, Rad Zdero, and others. You can read a sample chapter at http://www.ReimaginingChurch.org
The book is also available on Amazon.com
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