2 or 4 years ago (I cannot remember which one) I just happenned to be watching the Democratic National Convention. I have no idea why. I saw Barack Obama speak, and I thought to myself
"This guy scares the crap out of me. I think many people have been praying against the wrong person. If this guy ever runs for president, and I bet he will, hes got more power and influence than Clinton ever has". I cannot remember who I said it to, but I said it to someone else ot make sure I had a reference point for 2008.
Over the last year we have learned a lot about this guy, and he is even worse than Clinton. I am not a Republican, nor a democrat. In fact, I dont think Im a registered voter any longer, or if I am, I cannot recall but I think it was Green Party.
I am a social conservative on some things. My main issues are not war against terrorism, or fiscal responsibility. Those things are important. But not the most pressing issue to me is the ending of the facilitation of child murder. I truly believe it is wrong to help a woman kill a fetus. Im not against women who have done this. I dont supposed any moral superiority, and I dont think that action is worse than any other actions, including being a hyper religious zealot loading up the backs of earnest believers with dogma and rules, and legalisms that cause them to stumble. Or lying. Or Unfaithfulness.
I dont believe that the President of the US is capable of stopping this. In my limited understanding, all a President can do is get the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice and hope the Supreme Court will overturn a previous decision. And then at that point, there is still no change. It simply goes to where it ought to have been (Constitutionally speaking), which is down to the state level. Then Each State has to decide if they support this. In the big picture, the Federal government ought to outlaw this, which would supercede States Rights.
Anyhow, to think the President is somehow going to change the heart of a woman who wants to kill her baby for her own convenience is ludicrous. I agree with Chuck Colson in that the role of government is to suppress evil, the role of the ekklisia is to live and demonstrate and influence unto morality based on the revelation of Gods Law.
But this group of people scare me. Especially Obama. He has too much Charisma. All he is is a state senator. He has no experience running organizations (Senators dont in general), he has no experience interacting with foreign policy, and he is more radical than Clinton. Im actually beginning to hope Clinton is the choice of her party, as I think she has the greatest shot to lose, whereas Obama will trounce anyone against him barring a miracle. Ive said all along, if they would have made Clinton run, with Obama as a VP, they would be all but elected right now. Thank goodness for egos.
Woman who refuses to get vaccinated denied transplant
To see the religious exemption 6 part series visit this website and it is
located in the menu at the top of the page: http://torahlifeministries.org/
3 years ago
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