Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Go Faster Go

God is gracious, and He is helping me with this process of decomposition. As hed led me to deny certain things, He is helping me process the results.

Raw Food was easier this time than ever, but my energy level has taken some serious swings. The last few days I developed some problems in the back of my throat and tongue which hurt, but the real issue was total lack of energy. All I could do yesterday was lay around. I slept a little, worked a little, but all in all the day went by with me laying on a couch. Not tired in a sleepy way, tired in a weak way.

Today seems better. God also led me to remove some season Passes on my Tivo of things I really enjoy. I figured it must not be worth it for me if God is saying stop it.

GodTV has been a huge thing. I normally dont connect with "christian" TV, but the content on this channel is fantastic. And there really is a tangible anointing on a lot of the pieces. I seriously encourage you to watch it either online or via DirectTV, and then I encourage you to support it.

So if God asks me to give up some things, or remove some things, it isnt because He doesnt want me to have some things. I am guessing He is removing props that I rely on that allow me to stay hard hearted. For some people, these things arent the issue, for me maybe they are. I read recently in a book how this man realized he was like a crowded city, and nothing could be added unless something was removed. No rennovation was possible. I think thats my problem.

Im packed with stuff. Good and bad. But what I need is some relief. I need some rennovation. Truthfully, a spiritual enema is probably more in line. I need external help to remove internal spiritual plaque. I could take the metaphor further, but I will spare you.

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