Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day 4

Whoever you are that read my previous posts and prayed for me, may it come back to you 30, 50, even 100 times.

I simply read one piece of scripture today, and it touched me. For many people, that is common. For me, it is like a revival. It simpyl doesnt happen often, and something so simple as reading about Jesus washing feet grabbed my heart...

In john 13, it says Jesus knew that He had done everything, and had authority over all things, and then He got up and washed the disciples feet. Right after that, Jesus explains that He IS their Master and Teacher, and yet the deeper model for them is His Actions as a servant. He even has to explain to Peter that it is necessary, that Peter simply wont be able to handle life without submitting to Him in this.

I realized that until we have a strong security in who we are (in Christ), and what we are about, we simply cannot truly serve one another. I mean, of course we CAN do things for each other, but we arent truly able to give with humility. Humility is knowing who you are, and what you are about truthfully, not arrogantly or unrighteously, whcih then frees you up to wholeheartedly serve, and my guess is without thought to how it would affect you because you are already settled.

Then I pictured in my mind Jesus doing that for me. I tried to receive it, and I just got teary eyed, and leaned forward and placed my head on His. Im emotional now thinking about it. It is far deeper in me than conscious thought. I dont know what is so moved, but I dont care.

This is such a luxury.

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