Monday, July 03, 2006

stuff i think: An Eschatalogical Freakonomics Moment

stuff i think: An Eschatalogical Freakonomics Moment

Just my take on it....I am the typical christian, who spends very little time reading or studying the bible (but have read Left Behind), doesnt pray as much as I would like, can barely concerntrate on anything spiritual without tremndous grace.

I have little to no interest in the study of Eschatology, and tend to be verbal about it. I dont believe there is much of anything wrong with it, and I really like the way I hear it presented in some of the stuff Randy has done.

I read the Left Behind series. I loved it. Danielle refers to it as a comedy, and some others refer to it as a doctrine of demons.

What I enjoyed so much about it was the descriptive parts, about Israel gathered together for example. The overcoming of Gods grace, the ability of God to cause a person to die for Him. I ached and even cried because of how beautiful it sounded. It was much more vivid to me than reading a paragraph in Acts about Stephen.

So basically Im interested in seeing God manifested, and neat things like the manifestation of promises etc..But Im not interested in STUDYING and/or talking and thinking about and reading scripture about and trying to figure out all sorts of opinions about and debating eschatology. I bet Im the more typical example of this demographic. I do not know anyone that is interested in the end times that hasnt lived in KC. But I will say that the most passioniate and provoking people I have ever met are fully immersed into a confident revelation of immenant return of Christ.

I have never in my walk ever heard much about it (outside of Hal Lindsey and TBN et al debating back and forth) and the only conclusion I could come to is I can do nothing about it, regardless of what conclusion I come to.

I dont feel negative about this, I hope I dont come accross like that. Only that while I have been one of the many that read that series, and really enjoyed it, I wouldnt ever imagine thinking about it past that.

My single biggest issue right now is not when or if or how Christ is coming back. It is am I doing anything about following Him right now. Am I putting one foot in front of the other towards Him. For me, eschatology hasnt seemed to catch my attention.


Jillian said...

i truly, truly, and quite sincerely hope, that someone hasn't prompted you to feel this way through some sort of beligerent squawking regarding either the need for reprntance or preparedness. that can be frustrating. however juvenile it may sound, i'm learning that quite simply the Lord presses us individualy to respond to HIm for very, very different purposes. this is of course in regards to our cries to know His heart. well how in the hell could i possibly even begin to load all of the things on His heart into my pea brain and my timeframe and my earthly reference. He is immensely strategic and lays it as fit for that person's identity and move to glorify. i have been in a few "arguments" in which i realize the depths of my passion for a certain reality have been laid on my heart so profoundly, that i become livid at the thought of someone else not accepting it similarly. and i could not be more comparable in the idea that i don't give a rat's tucas most of the time about the "heart behind something" as my dear brother scott would say. i simply ask God to reveal truth, He shows me-references it in the Bible to deepen-and i move on. i am, however, awestruck at the layers and multi faceted aspects of one verse of scripture. a while back God clearly spoke that He does nothing on any level less than 3-and this is consequently how i also disern truth----blah blah---no, i'm completely off subject. terribly sorry, chap. at any rate, i'm interested in eschatology, but refuse to deeply study, at this point, revelations and what not. i fear that i too quickly would become caught up in the windstorm of preparation and ignore my current duties (which are not terribly fun)--my personality generally leans to that type of thing and it can be dangerous if i'm not deeply rooted and grounded (which i do not think i am). alas though my friend, i had a point but it became lost...or perhaps its in there somewhere but the alluring popsicles in the freezer have jezebeled me into turning my attention elsewhere for it is terribly hot.

lastly though, when i began reading what you hd written i rememebered a wee story-shelly hundley over there at IHOP tells a story of how she is constantly going into meetings with mike bickle and everyone will be sitting there discussing, well, just how far away from the earth approximately does Christ have to be for "every eye to see". and she always says pretty much, "good gief! who cares?!! geesh!" i think the point is valid though, that something can quicly evolve into an over intellectualized piece, when all God wanted was a move.


P said...

Randy has actually written a reply to me directly that I am going to process through. I dont at all feel pressured. The Bohlenders have none of that in my case.

I think the reason I am bringing this up is that I have been vocal about it before because I see this as a devisive issue, and one in which there has been no decent fruit in almost anyone I have ever seen discuss it!

Until I talk with Randy and/or Kelsey and Danielle. Then I am hearing, under the top level perception something interesting.

It isnt the topics themselves, not the endless interpretation of verses and debates about someone elses bad theology.

And I think that the terms have become so loaded that it might be impossible to understand the question, and Im seeing a possible misunderstanding all around.