Monday, May 22, 2006

An Addition

Someone named Julia almost experienced incontinence whilst reading the last post. I dont know if I am proud or shocked or encouraged. However, I agreed in light of the great personal sacrifice she made to share her comments directly here.

7.Encourage prayer (if it conforms to the church standards and regulations without offending or deepening intimacies with Christ)

I have personally experienced this particular form of expression in modern "church". Prayer is ok, as long as it has some kind of scenario easily understood and conformist. However, the real sick thing, is I do this all the time!! IF someones bend doesnt suit mine, I refuse it. It takes an actual act of discipline and focus to put aside my expectations, and charismatic requirements and hear and feel the LOVE that might be inherent in the prayer, all the while stumbling over the doctrine.

But alas, it is true. It we could shift the DaVinci Code stuff to Randys blog, we could free up more time for additional conformist prayer tactics and ensuring and perpetuating a consistent and shallow experience of God. Hey at least it is consistent!!!


ylmurph said...

can never get enough of the word "whilst"
seriously, just love the word...

P said...

especially combined with incontinence.

She has a great blog, I encourage everyone to read it. She is very poetic,a nd probably uses the word whilst very well.

Jillian said...

i'm not sure who this julia cat is, but i like the addition. ;)

i am, however, certain, there are a multitude of additions i could offer, but fear, alas (hoping to find a word worthily comparable of whilst)that many would be given in self righteousness.

even though they may be right, i am with you that i am so intent on something looking the opposite of all doctrine that i am apt to dismiss what probably was initiated as a good idea-Christ's even. in doing this, i often become as icky as those that persecute or destroy me.

p.s.i work with some fellas from Mexico, and they call my Julia as well-only it sounds as though i'm from Who-Ville, "whooleea"