Tuesday, September 30, 2008

They are coming...

Last year, we lived in California until Oct 15. We didnt buy a house until Nov 15th or so. When we got to this house, it was wonderful, but it had a big issue I have neverdealt with before...


This palce as COVERED. We have 3 very large trees, with very dense foilage. There were piles of leaves in the driveway and by the front door that were 2 feet deep, and several weeks old and compacted.

I had to clean out gutters when it rained because I realized something was in them. I was packed.

I took all the leaves intothe backyeard after it stopped snowing and icing, and ground them up witht he lawnmower. Brown Leaf Mold is EXCELLENT fertilizer. We had so many acorns it was insane. Ill have to deal with those proactively next year.

Im not sure waht to do. I already mowed, and ground up all the leaves, but my yard is getting covered again. Im just not emotionally prepared for this inasion, and might have to retreat into technology and Home Depot and buy something mechanical to deal with this.

The price of living in paradise.....

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