Monday, June 02, 2008

My thoughts on Florida/Lakeland

We are here in Florida for the last night. We have had the opportunity to go for 3 nights and 1 day service here in lakeland. It has been interesting, and progressively powerful.

The reality is, I agree with a few other people I know in that the experience has all the earmarks of being truly a move of God, coming through human vessels. And the humanity seems to be the biggest stumbling block for me, but doesnt seem to be any problem for most other folks.

For instance, there is a lot of talk about "not being religious". However, there is so much religious rhetoric it is silly. Last night, there was a 10 year old boy who was brough up on stage, and he was aksed " Do you love Jesus" to which he replied "Yes", and then "Do you love the anoiniting" to which he replied "No" and stunned a few people. However, when the term was explained, he replied "Yes"

There is so much culture in this, but in reality there is so much in my everyday experience. Just being at IHOP requires a handbook for terms (Literally. In the Harp and Bowl handbook there is a glossary of terms and phrases that are so common people outside the bubble need help).

But this has really forced me to look past my own religiosity. I have to make a concerted effort to come against it. This is small thin. It has revealed how much effort I spend in trying to get things ordered in my own mind, which is very quirky and suprisingly eccentric.

It took me 3 nights to warm up. Only by last night did I actually experience a significant connection.

Our first day Israel and I wentforward for prayer, and a guy essentially thumped me on the head, and moved on. I didnt feel a thing. All intensity, and no anointing I have no clue, but I have to assume I am far more responsible for that than anyone else in the equation.

The second nioght, during the music, I sensed a strong anointing come in for a time, and I actually had faith. To the point Ic ould easily have prayed for anyone sick and beleived. I dont know if that would have healed them, but I had faith.

The 3rd night, I began to drink it all in. Ithas been some time since I have done that. There was a child in a stroller next to us. I did not realize she was in need of healing. After a poit when I realized she needed healing, I looked at her. And a wave of what can only be called compassion hit me very deeply. It hit me, and I realized I had faith for her to be healed. Then it hit me. I have had so much impartation over the last few weeks, yet have not been healed. But at that point I felt something happen.

The little girls ended up suffering from spinal muscular atrophy, meaning essentially her muscles are not developing properly, and she cannot stand at all. As I looked up, her mother and her aunt were helping support her as she was beginning to stand. Her feet were actually pushing against her seat, and they were both crying.

They ended up going forward to the front to soak etc... and I went up with Israel later. More on that in the next post.

The point is, there is much going on, and there is much humanity trying to interpret it. There is lots of hype, I feel confident. However I realize more than ever how much hype there is to all of us. We just do it in different ways. The hype in this case is simply people being very excited, and wanting so badly for something so significant come out. Todd Bently is definitely in his element, and he is being as faithful as possible. I beleive he is earnest, and very much doing everything he can to invite, sustain, and nurture anything that he can to continue. I dont agree with where he is trying to head with all this, but I respect him, and beleiv he is called ot this far more than I ever am. YOu dont see me up there with that kind of faith, leading and marshalling the rsourcesneeded to allow thousands of people to visit nightly. And MUCH to his credit, he does not take offerings on TV except for 2 nights a week. The rest of the time, he takes it far too late for any business minded person to agree with, after most of his offerings are walked out.

Im looking forward to Kansas City getting hit with this. Im wondering what it will be like, and how IHOP will respond. I feel more at peace and more connected to the model of ministry IHOP intend now than ever. As conservative as it may seem, it is far more radical, and has far mroe room for full exdpression than people realize, while at the same tim removing every block to hype and exhibitionism humanly possible. I hope IHOP gets touched with this.


Lew said...

hey. i'm over here and i read this sometimes. i like your blog. but i'm kinda put off by this movement. they don't put Jesus front and center and there's a lot of teaching and stuff that's really really just plain bad. Emma and whatnot? Seriously.

I am in the church, and we flow in gifts, revelation, anointing and the whole shebang, over here in the 'hood. It's as dynamic as all get-out. There's no need to travel at all...

so... are you sure you want that to come to you?

it took you 3 days to get into it?
there's an admittedly high amount of flesh and hype? there's objectively a lot of bad teaching? Jesus isn't front and center at all times?

The good news is that we don't have to have all that other stuff. John 14 promises all the anointing's power to those who will come and obey Jesus Christ...

This sounds like Amos's "rain on one town" prophecy to me. There is a judgment on America. And matt 24, when Jesus said "don't go out to the desert" about that stuff.

i was there when Rodney Howard Browne started off, in NY. Tbn's got footy of him pushing my head back. I know this stuff inside and out. The real Jesus is HERE and NOW with all who will obey him.

turn from sin.
obey the Master.
this is good news...

P said...

Im going to respond from my perspective, not to open up an argument, but simply to explain my take...

God is pretty front and center. Spending 3 hours singing and focusing on God was a priority. IT was clear that Yeshua was the one who was in charge, and HOly Spirit was very much the leader.

I dont recall ANY teaching while I was there, and have only seen a little bit on the internet. For that, Im happy. There is far too much teaching going on in meetings. I dont come to hear someones opinion of the bible.

As far as the angelic stuff, I have to simply bypass it. I interact in the spirit realm at times, but I havent had encouters with angles of one gender or another, and my understanding is they dont have gender, but it seems like they do.

It took me 3 days to simply allow my heart to soften up. And I didnt claim anything other than the is a lot of hype, some deserved by the way.

Dynamics dont count. I have been receiving healing prayer and contending for it for myself for several weeks. Im not healed. My 12 year old student was healed as she (in my opinion) was dying. A Claim that "We got the whole shebang" isnt probably coming accross rght on a blog comment, as if you do, Kelsey could have saved a lot of time jus coming to your ersion of an anointed meeting.

But she didnt. For some reason she had to go to Lakeland, and she is not only alive, but pain free.

For my kids to see and hear about ressurections from the dead, and little children having their legs strengthned etc... I have to go where there is a high concentration of beleivers that aqre hungry. Until this is common in my own home, I have to be a traveller.