Danielle sent me a picture she found the other day on a website about dairy consumption (I think). Anyhow it is a cute picture, but also a provocative one. I realize as I look at it, it would cause shock or
prurient interest in certain people, and I realize that is a real problem.
Im not saying the female body
isnt beautiful. But I am concerned with how
womens bodies, their femininity, and the concept of breast feeding is so
Thats a terrible thing. We reduce women to no more than
objects when we
sexualize them, and attach our own needs and trauma to them.
Think about it. For EVER, women have fed their own children, and the survival rate of humans
has continued ot grow faster than the death rate. And then businesses got into the food chain, and started manipulating women to do things other than nurture and care for their children.
Im not judging the women who make these decisions, only the results.
You take a child who WANTS to breast feed (ever seen one? I had 3), and withhold it for convenience sake, or the myth that it
isnt "nutritious" enough. The child would have suckled anyhow. Then you take that same child and tell them later "Those are sex object.
Dont look,
dont touch" Fair enough, because we wear clothes etc... So men get an image of mystery tied to their need, and women get a sense of disconnection from theirs.
But then they see porn. Men react, and become lustful, and objectifying. Women become insecure, and confused.
It goes way weirder than that, but
Im just talking off the top of my head.
Im not advocating people just unclothe or expose themselves without regard. My wife is very modest about breast feeding, yet she
shouldnt be objectified for having breasts, nor should she feel insecure of
bothered by her own body (she
doesnt, and
neither do I!). I just think there are connections with how we treat women, how we then treat their bodies and the wonderful gifts and roles they have, and turn them into awful things instead of beautiful ones.
Lets repent.....