Friday, February 02, 2007

Barrel Full 'o Grace

Danielle said she was rpaying for me the other night in bed, and she saw a picture of me. I was totally surrounded by a tremndous wall of Grace. She said the wall was very powerful, and that outside that wall there were lots and lots of darts coming at me. So many, that it would be scary.

I beleive it. There seems to be a sense of purpose and being carried right now. I would be devastated if the attacks were getting through. I just simply have to confess I dont have any ability to stand well. I so desparately need Grace it is almost offensive to me. Im right at that fleshly edge of despising myself for being so weak, except for the knowledge that I beleive that is the reality of our existence!

So waht is the first thing that comes to mond about a wall of Grace? Think about it, and get a picture of it.....

Got one yet?????

Here is how Danielle described mine to me. It is like a barrel, all around me, and I can only see about 6 inches in front of me! It isnt this big, beautiful, glowing, Angels singing, wall of fire thing. It is a simple humble barrel that is surrounding me, holding of the darts of my enemy. Im hoping it is a wine barrel, or a balsamic vinegar barrel, or a congac one, because I really like those things. My protection is a heavenly vinegar barrel.

"Here Sean, I love you. Wear this, and run through that field over there into your destiny. Gor for it, and DONT HAVE TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!"

HA! That is great. Our flesh runs with grandiosity. But my provision from God, My Father and My King, is a big thick barrel. Im even shaped like a barrel myself! And all I can guess is Im trudging through a wave of darts, and if I saw how many, or any farther than 6 inches, I would probably stop, sit down, and cry.

Isnt God GOOD? Isnt He so GENEROUS? Isnt He FAITHFUL? Grace to YOU right now in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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