Friday, March 24, 2006

Hypertension and Raw Food

I dont have much profound to write, but I do have this to share...

Christmas 2004 I came to realize I had VERY high blood pressure. I checked it on a home monitor, and it was 180/100.

Summarialy I went tothe Cardiologist. I knew I had slightly high BP when I was a kid. However just a few years earlier, I would get really tired, and my chest would hurt, and I thought it was congestion. turns out it might have been that high BP!

Anyway, I went on Lisinopril, doubles the dosage until it hit 40mg, then added hydrochlorathiazide (water pill). Finally got my BP down.

Problem was, the side effect of HCT are sun sensitivity. Being a redhead doesnt help either. And the fact that Iw as on 2 meds, and might be permanately was a drag.

Feb of 2005 I went on a fast of raw food for other reasons, but my BP dropped so much I had to cut the Lisinopril in half. But I wasnt able to continue for too long. I lost 20 pounds in a month, and I think that was the primary reason.

In December I decided to do that again, but was only able to continue for about a month. I knew I needed to try again. It is tough, but I know it might help.

Just recently, I was able to try again. I knew I needed to, but just not eating wasnt going to last. I asked God to take me on a fast, both to keep me on it, but also to bring some kind of purpose beyond just myself. Within a few days, he showed me some things about myself, and a few other people to pray for.

Physically, I had maintained some of the weight loss, and had been able to work out with weights. But my doctor took me off HCT, to try and see what would happen. My BP went up 15 points.

I have been on another raw food fast for 6 days. My BP has dropped almost instantly. In fact it might be lower than average. I get a little tired at times.

Prayer was great the first few days, but it is tapering off. But as I see physical imrpovement, it is hard to stay focused on the prayer side. It is more work there than not eating bread! Although I get really bored, and since I love to cook, it will get harder. But I have a free day on Saturday with my kids, so that I can look forward to.

Anyway, the point for me is that it is hard to take care of myself this way, but it is working. Im not trying to give medical advice, but altering my diet radically has radical results. And asking God to bring something to bear more worthwhile than just not eating for health sake really helped. It was so nice of Him! That makes it easier to focus. I hope I can continue for quite a while.


Anonymous said...

You could add a blessedherbs colon cleanse to your fast and REALLY fast track yourself to healing! Focus on cleansing, physically and spiritually. It is amazing what God does in us when we set our heart after fullness. I love it!

P said...

LOL I didnt see your comment. Didnt know anyone really read this mess...

I had to do colonics when I fasted a coupleyears back. I did 2 weeks juice, 2 weeks water, then 2 weeks juice. I would get such bad leg crapms and achy joints.

Coffee was the best bet, but they werent fun. Massive detox though!!!!

There are all sorts of things coming up in my mind and heart right now, and I wish it was as easy as an enema to get it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!