Ministering to Others
I am writing this processing some weaknesses I know in myself, and wondering how much they really affect God’s ability to minister through me. Positionally, we are all completely justified. Practically, we are in a process of becoming that experientially. But since all ministry is God’s power, and the blood is our righteousness, then it follows that we are all capable of some kind of ministry to others as well as to God.
My visions of this is making more and more sense (to me). For years I have had visions and dreams about things, and as God has brought more and more healing to me, there is more understanding of the real purpose. Early on, it was really a desire for an experience. Then it migrated to a desire for a significance/purpose in serving God. Then it became a burden in response to knowing how it feels to be trapped in the world. Now it is actually changing to an even more sharp and yet blended concept. God loves the world. He loves me. I love Him. I am beginning to love the world from His perspective very slightly. I desire to be more in step with Him, and His desires and loves. I believe as I continue to engage Him, I will have more of Him, and therefore more of His Love.
What would it be like? Several types of things. Obviously, we need to be led of Holy Spirit. As well, I am beginning to know more and more of specific things He wants me to do, and specific things He has gifted me to do.
Encouraging and facilitating the Body to become the Bride. Some have differing theologies about it, but all I can say is I have come to believe it is just as much a choice to be the Bride of Christ as it is to be in the Body. You cannot be the Bride without first being part of the Body. But I think there is some kind of difference between just being saved, and experiencing and pursuing God as the Bride. However, there should not be an elitism in this. I believe it is time to encourage the Body in “encounter worship”. It is taking the daily practice of worship and the laying down of our life, and periodically fixing our eyes on Him and presenting ourselves to Him for His pleasure (and indirectly ours) as His Bride. Seeking both as an event, but taking that event and bringing it to the forefront of a day to day life.
Encouraging and facilitating the Body to creative expression via all the fullness of created gifts (personal, and corporate). I have had visions and words from God that I would know it was Him when I saw everyone doing something different. That runs contrary to many peoples ideas. People are uniquely made with specific things that bless God. If they all were to do the same thing, it would not be right. It would be forced. I believe in unity, but not in cloning. This would look like environments designed to facilitate visual art, writing, dance, music, silence, fasting, intercession and many many other things we have yet to even consider.
I believe I will see whole rooms of people where some are writing, some are crying, some are dancing, some are singing, some are painting and so on. The best part is, many will not be the skilled ones, just anointed. Or maybe even not anointed (which may be the best part), but earnest in their desire to bless God, and give Him something of themselves. Practically this would be corporate settings, and small groups with room for kids and messes.
Developing a team of people that can engage God this way together and individually, and facilitate it in others. Prayer and ministry types, prophetically gifted, intercessors, evangelistic, all types. The common thread being a developed ability, and a mentality of free expression to God for His heart alone.
The next step is to take that out of the Body experience and out in public. To literally do the same thing, but in a public setting anywhere from a park to a coffee shop. A situation where there is a group of people that can access God and engage Him at will. That know Him and His desire for them, and can therefore be able to connect with Him regardless of who is there.
The power of this cannot be stated. I believe as good as it can get in the Body (and it does get good), the signs and wonders and encounters and wonder and majesty follow the Gospel. To me, connecting with God like I am describing is the heart of the Gospel. It is John 17, in public. It is the restoration of Adam and God.
What would it be like for someone to walk across a group of people who were so engaged experientially to God? If they were the least bit open, they would engage. If there was a team of people able to encourage, pray, dialog, and facilitate a stranger to this, all the better. What if that happened at a new Age Bookstore, or on Venice beach like some folks we know? Or at Wilson Park? Or a Grateful Dead show, or Burning Man? Or set up in the middle of the desert for 3 days?
I picture it a lot like Saul and the prophets. He came across them, and got lost in God. Now it certainly didn’t impact Saul in the long run, but I believe it could have. What if there were dream interpreters, and deliverance teams milling about in the crowd that would gather. People standing right next to you while you are enjoying the “energy” and the “atmosphere” that were praying and interceding for you, and could engage you in a spiritual dialog as led?
Obviously so me of this can get grandiose and self serving. Additionally the sacrifice and call to practical sanctification would be involved. Additionally, real and deep fellowship would be an utmost necessity for both the health, and the strengthening of the people involved. The warfare could be hard, and the personal issues would surface. But the opportunity to see a person engage the Presence of God would be incredible. The place it would be to have a conditioned and ready spirit that can engage God, and really minister to Him like this? Wow.
Never before have I seen this clearly. And I don’t believe I am even really seeing clearly. I would guess there is still so much of the flesh and lack of vision that needs to be dealt with. But isn’t it worth it to persevere with those things with a concept like this? For me it is. I want to be able to Love God for God alone. But I also realize that I must start where I am at, and believe God wants me to be sanctified in mind and motive more than I. And that He has a dream in His heart like this.
Think about it, and pray about it. See if God gives you similar dreams and ideas.
Woman who refuses to get vaccinated denied transplant
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3 years ago