Monday, January 08, 2007

Dear IHOP Folks

I wanted to relate some recent experiences that I hope might encourage you. This happenned on Saturday.

Have you ever been sitting at home listening to the IHOP, and what the person prayed began to happen to you? I just did.

It was almost 9 am Sat (PST) and a girl got on the mike and prayed for all the people attending the Onething. I was just sitting on my couch, resting and praying about some things. I overheard her pray and thought “Hey, I went to the Onething on GodTV”. She started praying, and I drifted off into some thoughts and prayers. Next thing I know, Im yawning, but not a normal type of yawn. It is the type where I am actually going through deliverance. It just keeps bubbling up and out. Then I realize both the girl and the people praying (I had kind of tuned out in a way) were asking God to fill them with the Spirit of Might in the inner man etc… and I realized…

God was answering their prayers at that very moment and was displacing things that were in me crowding out the truth and the presence of God!!!!!!! At that very moment, and in the very way they were asking.

Some of you might say "DUH". God answers prayers Sean, thats why we do this.

I wish I knew who it was, as I would run and tell her because Im not sure if when we pray we realize how strongly and definitively our prayers are answered. In addition, if I simply “attended” OneThing because of getting the chance to watch it on GodTV, how many MILLIONS (10? 100? 200?) of people just got touched all over the world whether they realized it or not? WOW. Is it possible one simple prayer of faith from one person could have altered 200+ million people at that moment?

I also spent some time this am and played along with some keyboard player (I think Danie said it is Justin Rizzo?). I plugged my computer output into my soundboard, and then put on headphones and played music and prayed as the sun came up. It really helped me connect. I sound pretty good when someone that skilled is playing! LOL.

Another interesting thing was during Onething, Mike spoke a prophetic word about integrity in finances. I had been wrestling with what to do as Master Solutions has significant (for us) amount of $$ in the bank that we are using for development projects for our next generation of product. It is vital I complete this. However, because of the way out company is structured, all that money was considered income, and taxable. I was basically going to lose anywhere from 20-30% of it just because I hdnt spent it yet. I couldn’t figure out what to do, and was trying to understand if there was any way to save it. At the SAME EXACT TIME, I am working on programming along with another guy. I had an idea how to work the money in a way that would keep us from paying taxes, and it was legal and fine.

BUT… What I didn’t realize at the time was that an interesting thing happened. On the same day I set up a process to move money around, I hit a wall in programming. All the work I had been doing literally stopped working. I hadn’t changed anything that I was aware of, but literally a form that worked the day before stopped working. For 4 days I wrestled with this. Then I watched the Onething on that Thursday, and Mike says basically “God is asking for integrity in finances. He will deal tenderly with you, let Him have it” There was more to it than that, but that part piqued my interest. That night Im sleeping and thinking about it. I wake up the next morning about 4:30 and start working again. I realize what I was doing with the money, while legal, was not appropriate for me. It might be fine for others, but God was putting His finger on it. I sat down, emailed the parties involved, canceled checks etc…

As I then truned my attention back to programming, EVERYTHING WORKED. Im not kidding. Within seconds, everything was fine. Not only that, but since then, I have had TREMENDOUS ability to learn, write, program, problem solve without the typical manic/depressive kind of up and down that normal when I get in this hyper creative, intense cycle.

I just thought some real world feedback for you all might be encouraging. I am going through yet another fairly deep cleansing and shifting, and a lot of it is being facilitated by what you all are doing. I think it is even more important to grasp how possibly inconsequential the actual physical prayer room is. Not that it isnt great, or that it so obviously facilitates prayer. But that if a simple prayer offerred in faith can do that, does it actually matter where it is prayed?

Think about it. When Kelsey Bohlender says she is trying to figure out ways moms with babies can pray "from home", there is nothing inherently less effective about it. Although the prayer room is awesome, and I love to be facilitated, the prayer itself is the thing.

I hope that this simple reminder of the results of prayer and effort you all have expended on behalf of the kingdom puts a face and a name on it. And I hope that it encourages you to RELEASE EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVE FAITH. DONT HOLD BACK. In fact if prayer creates that impact then I will:

God I agree with your design that the prayer of a righteous man or woman avails much. I agree that you are righteous, and that our faith in your perfect sacrifice makes us righteous. I release even greater power, faqith and vision in prayer to these people who contend for your purpose. I agree with you that all your promises will come forth in ever increasing measure for them, to them, and through them. I beleive that as they pray, it will become more and more obvious that it is YOU praying.

They will feel the power and the majesty of Your hand, Your Heart, Your mind, Your VOICE until they become prayer. They will see answers to prayer before they ask, they will see harvest at the same time as sowing. They will do might things because they KNOW YOU.

Im going to beleive that as I pray that (I write it out as a prayer) and you read it, I will be answered. In fact, as I just wrote that, God touched me.

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